Daily Archives: June 3, 2015


She enters the clinic, first meeting; before she even speaks I see the amounts of crying she holds inside, even though she smiles. I ask a few questions, just to get in contact. I breathe deeply and make room inside me. A few more words and the crying peep through the eyes, as if looking […]

Stomach ache

“My stomach ached a lot this week. But it’s normal for me, my stomach always hurts”. What do you mean by always? I ask Noam. “Since I was really small” she answers, “so my mom says”. She went through lots of medical examinations and since nothing was found, she has got to the conclusion that […]

Couple relationship and the unwritten contract

Between partners there is an unwritten contract that they are usually unaware of. The contract is “written” the very moment of falling in love. There was a moment of bliss, in which each side completed the other, filled in some inner gap inside the other, and for a short period there was a feeling of […]